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Newcastle University
National Civil War Centre

Fact File: Thomas Fairfax

Find out more about Thomas Fairfax.

British Civil Wars > Key People > Fact File: Thomas Fairfax

Thomas Fairfax

  • Born: 17 January 1612
  • Died: 12 November 1671
  • Roundhead or Cavalier? Roundhead

Role in the Civil War

When the British Civil Wars broke out in 1642, Thomas Fairfax fought on the side of Parliament. He played an important role in defeating the Royalist forces at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644, was made Commander-in-chief of the New Model Army, and defeated the Royalists at the Battle of Naseby in June 1645.

Did you know?

Whilst besieging Helmsley Castle (in Yorkshire) Thomas Fairfax was seriously injured when a musket ball hit his shoulder.

Further reading

‘Black Tom’: Sir Thomas Fairfax and the English Revolution’ (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007) by Andrew Hopper

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